If you feel that you are unable to provide a comprehensive description of your company cars, you can make use of Autorola.pt's Total Service - It costs a little more than our normal Self Service but all aspects of the sale are taken care of by a company representative and of course it is - No sale no charge! With Total Service you simply call us on +351 217 528 130 and tell us where the car is - we take care of the rest. We complile a car description and submit photographs of the carWe help you decide on a reasonable reserve priceWe place the car on auctionWe make the payment of the sale of the vehicle, directly to you You have the facility to monitor the progress of the auction and naturally have the last say on the reserve price. When you choose to sell your company car using Total Service, we give prices on request. Remember if the car does not get sold, it doesn't cost you a penny.